Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Changing topics?? Selling out?

So I've been struggling with my thesis. I started to move forward to connect with relevant people to conduct interviews on Depo-Provera. I haven't been getting any response, which was particularly disheartening to hear that from the activists. I have been quickly losing motivation because I was struggling with that "so what" question. I meet with Chris London in our department and we went over the topic extensively. It ultimately came down to the fact that I doing this project just for myself. While that would be gratifying endeavor, it is not helping me with the motivation problem. I presented the concept of mapping as related to my job. Chris pointed out that my thesis was not going to be used by anyone but me, which is not a bad thing. However, I think my lack of motivation is the desire to engage the organization I'm working with in some of the critical thinking discusses I have been having in grad school. He also noted that the mapping tool would provide the opportunity to engage field staff in changing power dynamics between head quarters and field projects. I am already building a project in Tanzania and may have the opportunity to conduct first hand observation.

At the moment, I'm feeling energized about this topic in a way that I have lost about my original topic. Am I selling out? Is this a legitimate alternative? Random thoughts?


  1. first - YOU'RE GOING TO TANZANIA?! please fill me in. PRONTO.

    second - you're totally not selling out! you're trying to figure out the bigger question of the (already big) question of your thesis. how do i impact the world i'm living in.

    and third - you're excited about it. thats pretty much the most important thing (besides you know... doing it)

  2. I say go with the topic that motivates you!

  3. I LOVE how he said it would provide the opportunity to engage field staff in changing power dynamics between head quarters and field projects. That feels real-world applicable, and is likely an issue that arises not only within Tanzania projects, but any similar project in this field. I agree that you should go with what is energizing you right now, I think changing direction is part of the process -- I know I've changed mine MANY times already and it still needs a lot of tweaking!

  4. although i can't give you any enlightening piece of advice, i'm gonna say this:

    i think the thought process you're going through is so genuine and really reflects on your dedication and commitment. (wondering if you're a sell out,trying to really understand the various aspects of writing a thesis etc.)

    ...so i guess what i'm saying is, go with what means something to you and motivates you fully at this point :)
